Joint Statistical Meeting

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The annual meeting of several large North American scholarly societies, this conference has 6000+ attendees, dozens of short courses, and presentations on with ranging from statistical applications to methodology and theory to the expanding boundaries of statistics, such as analytics and data science. The Monday session organized by the ASA Astrostatistics Special Interest Group has talks on statistical challenges in research on exoplanets, galaxy redshifts, signal processing, and pulsars.
When 27 July 2019 12:55 PM to
01 August 2019 12:55 PM
Where Denver CO USA
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Statistical Challenges with Astronomical Data — Invited Papers
National Institute of Statistical Sciences, General Methodology, Astrostatistics Special Interest Group
Organizer(s): James L Rosenberger, NISS (National Institute of Statistical Sciences) and Penn State
Chair(s): Lingzhou Xue, Penn State University and National Institute of Statistical Sciences
2:05 PM Statistical Challenges in the search for low-mass exoplanets
Jessi Cisewski-Kehe, Yale University
2:30 PM Estimating Basis Expansion Coefficients for Redshift Posteriors
Chad M Schafer, Carnegie Mellon University
2:55 PM Dimension reduction in multiple hypothesis testing: a solution to the k signals problem.
Sara Algeri, University of Minnesota
3:20 PM Statistical Challenges of Pulsar Timing
G. Jogesh Babu, Penn State University
3:35 PM Floor Discussion

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