Hurst parameter analysis of radio pulsar timing residuals

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We analyse the timing residuals for 50 pulsars observed using the Nanshan 25-m radio telescope at Urumqi Observatory by determining the Hurst parameter for each data set using the rescaled range method. These pulsars have been observed over a time span of 5-8 yr and have been selected to have timing residuals that resemble white noise rather than smooth curves. The results are compared with those for shuffled residual series. Despite the noise-like appearance, some timing residual series showed Hurst parameters that deviated significantly from the shuffled series. We conclude that Hurst parameter analysis is capable of detecting long-term memory in timing residuals.


Na, X. S.; Wang, N.; Yuan, J. P.; Liu, Z. Y.; Esamdin, A.; Pan, J.; Xu, R. X.


Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

Paper Publication Date

April 2011

Paper Type
