A statistical fractal-diffusive avalanche model of a slowly-driven self-organized criticality system

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Aims: We develop a statistical analytical model that predicts the occurrence frequency distributions and parameter correlations of avalanches in nonlinear dissipative systems in the state of a slowly-driven self-organized criticality (SOC) system. Methods: This model, called the fractal-diffusive SOC model, is based on the following four assumptions: (i) the avalanche size L grows as a diffusive random walk with time T, following L ∝ T1/2; (ii) the energy dissipation rate f(t) occupies a fractal volume with dimension DS; (iii) the mean fractal dimension of avalanches in Euclidean space S = 1,2,3 is DS ≈ (1 + S)/2; and (iv) the occurrence frequency distributions N(x) ∝ x – αx based on spatially uniform probabilities in a SOC system are given by N(L) ∝ L – S, with S being the Eudlidean dimension. We perform cellular automaton simulations in three dimensions (S = 1,2,3) to test the theoretical model. Results: The analytical model predicts the following statistical correlations: F ∝ LDS ∝ TDS/2 for the flux, P ∝ LS ∝ TS/2 for the peak energy dissipation rate, and E ∝ FT ∝ T1 + DS/2 for the total dissipated energy; the model predicts powerlaw distributions for all parameters, with the slopes αT = (1 + S)/2, αF = 1 + (S – 1)/DS, αP = 2 – 1/S, and αE = 1 + (S – 1)/(DS + 2). The cellular automaton simulations reproduce the predicted fractal dimensions, occurrence frequency distributions, and correlations within a satisfactory agreement within ≈ 10% in all three dimensions. Conclusions: One profound prediction of this universal SOC model is that the energy distribution has a powerlaw slope in the range of αE = 1.40 – 1.67, and the peak energy distribution has a slope of αP = 1.67 (for any fractal dimension DS = 1,…,3 in Euclidean space S = 3), and thus predicts that the bulk energy is always contained in the largest events, which rules out significant nanoflare heating in the case of solar flares.


Aschwanden, M. J.


Astronomy & Astrophysics

Paper Publication Date

March 2012

Paper Type
