January – June 2015

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VIDE: The Void IDentification and Examination toolkit
Sutter, P. M.; Lavaux, G.; Hamaus, N.; Pisani, A.; Wandelt, B. D.; Warren, M.; Villaescusa-Navarro, F.; Zivick, P.; Mao, Q.; Thompson, B. B.

We present VIDE, the Void IDentification and Examination toolkit, an open-source Python/C++ code for finding cosmic voids in galaxy redshift surveys and N -body simulations, characterizing their properties, and providing a platform for more detailed …

MIARMA: A minimal-loss information method for filling gaps in time series. Application to CoRoT light curves
Pascual-Granado, J.; Garrido, R.; Suárez, J. C.

Context. Gaps in time series cause spurious frequencies in the power spectra. In light curves of pulsating stars, this hampers identifying the theoretical oscillation modes. When these gaps are smaller than the total time span, the commonly used app …

Uncertainties in asteroseismic grid-based estimates of stellar ages. SCEPtER: Stellar CharactEristics Pisa Estimation gRid
Valle, G.; Dell’Omodarme, M.; Prada Moroni, P. G.; Degl’Innocenti, S.

Context. Stellar age determination by means of grid-based techniques that adopt asteroseismic constraints is a well established method nowadays. However some theoretical aspects of the systematic and statistical errors affecting these age estimates …

3D morphology of a random field from its 2D cross-section
Makarenko, Irina; Fletcher, Andrew; Shukurov, Anvar

The two aspect ratios of randomly oriented triaxial ellipsoids (representing isosurfaces of an isotropic 3D random field) can be determined from a single 2D cross-section of their sample using the probability density function (PDF) of the filamentar …

Genus topology and cross-correlation of BICEP2 and Planck 353 GHz B-modes: further evidence favouring gravity wave detection
Colley, Wesley N.; Gott, J. Richard

We have analysed the genus topology of the BICEP2 B-modes and found them to be Gaussian random phase as expected if they have a cosmological origin. These BICEP2 B-modes can be produced by gravity waves in the early Universe, but question has arisen …

Foreground removal for Square Kilometre Array observations of the epoch of reionization with the correlated component analysis
Bonaldi, Anna; Brown, Michael L.

We apply the correlated component analysis (CCA) method on simulated data of the Square Kilometre Array, with the aim of accurately cleaning the 21-cm reionization signal from diffuse foreground contamination. The CCA has been developed for the cosm …

UNIMAP: a generalized least-squares map maker for Herschel data
Piazzo, Lorenzo; Calzoletti, Luca; Faustini, Fabiana; Pestalozzi, Michele; Pezzuto, Stefano; Elia, Davide; di Giorgio, Anna; Molinari, Sergio

The Herschel space telescope hosts two infrared photometers having an unprecedented resolution, sensitivity and dynamic range. The map making, i.e. the formation of sky images from the instruments’ data, is critical for the full exploitation of the …

Matrix-free large-scale Bayesian inference in cosmology
Jasche, Jens; Lavaux, Guilhem

In this work we propose a new matrix-free implementation of the Wiener sampler which is traditionally applied to high-dimensional analysis when signal covariances are unknown. Specifically, the proposed method addresses the problem of jointly inferr …

Non-extensive statistical analysis of meteor showers and lunar flashes
Betzler, A. S.; Borges, E. P.

The distribution of meteor magnitudes is usually supposed to be described by power laws. However, this relationship is not able to model the whole data set, and the parameters are considered to be dependent on the magnitude intervals. We adopt a sta …

The impact of supersurvey modes on cosmological constraints from cosmic shear fields
Carron, J.; Szapudi, I.

Owing to the mass-sheet degeneracy, cosmic shear maps do not probe directly the Fourier modes of the underlying mass distribution on scales comparable to the survey size and larger. To assess the corresponding effect on attainable cosmological param …

Blind foreground subtraction for intensity mapping experiments
Alonso, David; Bull, Philip; Ferreira, Pedro G.; Santos, Mário G.

We make use of a large set of fast simulations of an intensity mapping experiment with characteristics similar to those expected of the Square Kilometre Array in order to study the viability and limits of blind foreground subtraction techniques. In …

Local variance asymmetries in Planck temperature anisotropy maps
Adhikari, Saroj

Recently, it was shown that local variance maps of temperature anisotropy are simple and useful tools for the study of large-scale hemispherical power asymmetry. This was done by studying the distribution of dipoles of the local variance maps. In th …

Unsupervised Transient Light Curve Analysis via Hierarchical Bayesian Inference
Sanders, N. E.; Betancourt, M.; Soderberg, A. M.

Historically, light curve studies of supernovae (SNe) and other transient classes have focused on individual objects with copious and high signal-to-noise observations. In the nascent era of wide field transient searches, objects with detailed obser …

A Continuum of Planet Formation between 1 and 4 Earth Radii
Schlaufman, Kevin C.

It has long been known that stars with high metallicity are more likely to host giant planets than stars with low metallicity. Yet the connection between host star metallicity and the properties of small planets is only just beginning to be investig …

IMFIT: A Fast, Flexible New Program for Astronomical Image Fitting
Erwin, Peter

I describe a new, open-source astronomical image-fitting program called IMFIT, specialized for galaxies but potentially useful for other sources, which is fast, flexible, and highly extensible. A key characteristic of the program is an object-orient …

A Statistical Reconstruction of the Planet Population around Kepler Solar-type Stars
Silburt, Ari; Gaidos, Eric; Wu, Yanqin

Using the cumulative catalog of planets detected by the NASA Kepler mission, we reconstruct the intrinsic occurrence of Earth- to Neptune-size (1-4 R ⊕) planets and their distributions with radius and orbital period. We analyze 76,711 solar-type ( …

Polarization measurement analysis. II. Best estimators of polarization fraction and angle
Montier, L.; Plaszczynski, S.; Levrier, F.; Tristram, M.; Alina, D.; Ristorcelli, I.; Bernard, J.-P.; Guillet, V.

With the forthcoming release of high precision polarization measurements, such as from the Planck satellite, it becomes critical to evaluate the performance of estimators for the polarization fraction and angle. These two physical quantities suffer …

Polarization measurement analysis. I. Impact of the full covariance matrix on polarization fraction and angle measurements
Montier, L.; Plaszczynski, S.; Levrier, F.; Tristram, M.; Alina, D.; Ristorcelli, I.; Bernard, J.-P.

With the forthcoming release of high precision polarization measurements, such as from the Planck satellite, the metrology of polarization needs to be improved. In particular, it is important to have full knowledge of the noise properties when estim …

Hyper: Hybrid photometry and extraction routine
Traficante, A.; Fuller, G. A.; Pineda, J. E.; Pezzuto, S.

We present a new hybrid photometry and extraction routine called Hyper. It is designed to do compact source photometry, allowing for varying spatial resolution and sensitivity in multi-wavelength surveys. Hyper combines multi-Gaussian fitting with a …

Denoising, deconvolving, and decomposing photon observations. Derivation of the D3PO algorithm
Selig, Marco; Enßlin, Torsten A.

The analysis of astronomical images is a non-trivial task. The D3PO algorithm addresses the inference problem of denoising, deconvolving, and decomposing photon observations. Its primary goal is the simultaneous but individual reconstruction of the …