Fast Inversion of Solar Ca II Spectra

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We present a fast (Lt1 s per profile) inversion code for solar Ca II lines. The code uses an archive of spectra that are synthesized prior to the inversion under the assumption of local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE). We show that it can be successfully applied to spectrograph data or more sparsely sampled spectra from two-dimensional spectrometers. From a comparison to a non-LTE inversion of the same set of spectra, we derive a first-order non-LTE correction to the temperature stratifications derived in the LTE approach. The correction factor is close to unity up to log τ ~ -3 and increases to values of 2.5 and 4 at log τ = -6 in the quiet Sun and the umbra, respectively.


Beck, C.; Choudhary, D. P.; Rezaei, R.; Louis, R. E.


Astrophysical Journal Letters

Paper Publication Date

January 2015

Paper Type
