Constrained correlation functions from the Millennium Simulation

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Context. In previous work, we developed a quasi-Gaussian approximation for the likelihood of correlation functions that incorporates fundamental mathematical constraints on correlation functions, in contrast to the usual Gaussian approach. The analytical computation of these constraints is only feasible in the case of correlation functions of one-dimensional random fields. Aims: In this work, we aim to obtain corresponding constraints in the case of higher dimensional random fields and test them in a more realistic context. Methods: We develop numerical methods of computing the constraints on correlation functions that are also applicable for two- and three-dimensional fields. To test the accuracy of the numerically obtained constraints, we compare them to the analytical results for the one-dimensional case. Finally, we compute correlation functions from the halo catalog of the Millennium Simulation, check whether they obey the constraints, and examine the performance of the transformation used in the construction of the quasi-Gaussian likelihood. Results: We find that our numerical methods of computing the constraints are robust and that the correlation functions measured from the Millennium Simulation obey them. Even though the measured correlation functions lie well inside the allowed region of parameter space, i.e., far away from the boundaries of the allowed volume defined by the constraints, we find strong indications that the quasi-Gaussian likelihood yields a substantially more accurate description than the Gaussian one.


Wilking, P.; Röseler, R.; Schneider, P.


Astronomy & Astrophysics

Paper Publication Date

October 2015

Paper Type
