GRS 1915+105 and the Disc-Jet Coupling in Accreting Black Hole Systems

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GRS 1915+105 the first stellar-scale, highly relativistic jet source identified is a key system for our understanding of the disc-jet coupling in accreting black hole systems. Comprehending the coupling between inflow and outflow in this source not only is important for X-ray binary systems but has a broader relevance for studies of active galactic nuclei and gamma-ray bursts. In this paper, we present a detailed review of the observational properties of the system, as established in the decade since its discovery. We attempt to place it in context by a detailed comparison with other sources, and construct a simple model for the disc-jet coupling, which may be more widely applicable to accreting black hole systems.


Fender, Rob; Belloni, Tomaso


Annual Review of Astronomy &Astrophysics

Paper Publication Date

September 2004

Paper Type


Submitter’s Remarks

Time series analysis