On searches for periodic pulsed emission – The Rayleigh test compared to epoch folding

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The Rayleigh test has been recently invoked as a method of searching a time series for periodic pulsations. In this paper, this technique is discussed and compared to epoch folding, a technique which has had widespread use in X-ray astronomy. It is found that the Rayleigh test provides a more sensitive approach to the search for periodic pulsations when the pulses are sinusoidal or of broad duty cycle, such as those typical of the pulsing X-ray sources. Epoch folding, on the other hand, is more sensitive to the narrow pulses typical of radio pulsars.


Leahy, D. A.; Elsner, R. F.; Weisskopf, M. C.


Astrophysical Journal

Paper Publication Date

September 1983

Paper Type
