Python resources for statistical computing

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Statistical computing in Python
A collection of resources to assist statistical computing with Python, with a special emphasis on astrostatistics, compiled by Tom Loredo at Cornell.
Important libraries for scientific and numerical data analysis. See the Cookbook and the Example List for reference, as well as John Cook’s Distributions in Scipy.
Statistical computing in Python
A collection of resources to assist statistical computing with Python, with a special emphasis on astrostatistics, compiled by Tom Loredo at Cornell.  These include:
  1. pandas Library for working with tabular data, time series, panel data with many built-in functions for data summaries, grouping/aggregation, pivoting. Also with a statistics/econometrics library.
  2. larry  al functions for labeled arrays not present in NumPy.
  3. python-statlib  Combined scattered statistics libraries for basic and descriptive statistics if you’re not using NumPy or pandas.
  4. statsmodels Statistical modeling: Linear models, GLMs, among others.
  5. scikits Statistical and scientific computing packages — notably smoothing, optimization and machine learning.
  6. PyMC  For Bayesian, MCMC and hierarchical modeling.
  7. PyMix Mixture models.
  8. Theano For high performance computing and deep learning.